Another day dawns in paradise and it's still overcast, but not raining. Just had breakfast!
Today we've decided to visit Bali zoo. Apparently it's supposed to be pretty schmikko! It's approx 35Km from here to the zoo and the lady in the kitchen said it takes between 1 and 1.5 hrs to get there! Even tho the traffic generally travels slow all over Bali the road toll is similar per capita to Australia with around 700 per year for a population of 3.9 million. And if you watched the short video clip in yesterdays post you can see why. We have been constantly amused observing traffic congestion about the place with vehicles, car and motorbike and truck, going against the flow in one way streets, on the 4 lane road yesterday many motorbikes were going against the flow so they didn't have to cross to the other side of the road. And when traffic is jammed and standing still the scooters are just merrily weaving in and out continuing on their way.
Off we go... in a taxi!!!!
Sounds like your having a blast! Where's your dodgy "Dolex" lol